Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Peter clark

Peter clark works in the style of collage, he came to choose collage by collecting picture messages and comic books as a child. It gradually edged its way into his illustration work until it eventually took over. He finds his materials everywere, were ever he happens to be he always keeps a look out and hours and hours of looking through car boot sales and other stalls, also other people kindly give him pieces to use. He looks for old pieces with character they all have their own character within the picture and he looks into what the piece of newspaper or comic book actually means to him. His influences change all the time, some of these include worhol, japanese and chinese brushwork and coligraphy and soviet hiroic art. I like his work as he doesnt just throw pieces together he looks into what media he actually uses he doesnt just find a newspaper and use it he makes sure he is careful in choosing what colours he uses and what pieces of paper he actually likes. I like his use of colour as it makes his pieces look unusual and unique. 

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