Thursday, 22 January 2015

Animal sheet 2 (focus sheet)

For this i had to choose one of my 3 animals from my last piece either the stag, the owl or the chimp, i chose to do the stag as they are my favourite animal and i also like to draw/paint them. We had to find images of our chosen animal and draw it in different poses i used a watercolour base then worked back into it with pencil colours as to achieve a fur/hair looking effect 

Alternative tools

In the fine arts workshop we were looking at alternative tools such as; 
Finger painting
Comb/ fork 
Pallette knife
We were given a setup in the middle of the room and first had to draw it with fine liner pen, this is called a preliminary sketch. this was my outcome;
  We then had to move onto painting the setup with alternate methods, i did not enjoy this at all because i hate things to look messy and is not my style of painting or at at all, i found this technique very unstructured and i dont think i did very well at it at all! This was my final piece that came out of today. 

Monday, 19 January 2015

Animal sheet

For the second part of our Peter clark work, we were told to look at 3 animals that all related to our personality in some way, i chose to look at a stag as it reminds me of scotland and scotland reminds me of my grandad who passed away, it also is a symbol of fantasy and fairy tales which are the styles of art i like the most! I also chose to look at an owl as they look into things with detail, they are also very calm most of the time and dont seem to loose that calmness most of their life. The last animal i chose to look at was a chimp, i chose this animal as it is cheeky and playful although has a temper which if pushed the tiniest bit past their limit they will snap and that can be alot like me at times. I chose to use watercolour for the base colours then work back into them with pencil colours as i thought it gave the animals a look of hair/ fur or feathers. 

Impasto technique

The impasto technique is where you use paint and layer it up so you have thick paint on your page which leaves visible brush or palette knife marks. I was given a picture by nanda palmieri who painted swiss rolls in the impasto style. We first started with the base colours them moved onto working into the image with colours that are more like the ones used in the picture using quick and free moving brush strokes as to not make the painting look 'tidy' 

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Peter clark

Peter clark works in the style of collage, he came to choose collage by collecting picture messages and comic books as a child. It gradually edged its way into his illustration work until it eventually took over. He finds his materials everywere, were ever he happens to be he always keeps a look out and hours and hours of looking through car boot sales and other stalls, also other people kindly give him pieces to use. He looks for old pieces with character they all have their own character within the picture and he looks into what the piece of newspaper or comic book actually means to him. His influences change all the time, some of these include worhol, japanese and chinese brushwork and coligraphy and soviet hiroic art. I like his work as he doesnt just throw pieces together he looks into what media he actually uses he doesnt just find a newspaper and use it he makes sure he is careful in choosing what colours he uses and what pieces of paper he actually likes. I like his use of colour as it makes his pieces look unusual and unique.