Thursday, 19 March 2015

Animals project evaluation

I found collaging difficult because i hate to collage i like to keep my work tidy and as minimal mess as possible however collaging you are forever cutting and sticking and getting glue and pieces of paper stuck to you! However once you get into it its pretty simple to complete. I thought my Peter Clark mood board went well as i managed to get my images to look pretty similar to his work also i think i arranged my pictures well. We were told to look at 3 animals that all related to our personality in some way, i chose to look at a stag as it reminds me of scotland and scotland reminds me of my grandad who passed away, it also is a symbol of fantasy and fairy tales which are the styles of art i like the most! I also chose to look at an owl as they look into things with detail, they are also very calm most of the time and dont seem to loose that calmness most of their life. The last animal i chose to look at was a chimp, i chose this animal as it is cheeky and playful although has a temper which if pushed the tiniest bit past their limit they will snap and that can be alot like me at times. I chose to do the stag as they are my favourite animal and i also like to draw/paint them. We had to find images of our chosen animal and draw it in different poses i used a watercolour base then worked back into it with pencil colours as to achieve a fur/hair looking effect... But i then moved toward the Peter Clark style by doing a collage of a stags head!! I chose to make a 3D model of a stags head because i wanted to make a head which looked like it had been mounted and the only way i could achieve this was if i did a 3D model. I planned out my final piece before i made it because i wanted to use slots to slot the cardboard into place so i needed to know what pieces to build first and how many pieces i would need to build. I cut the card then collaged each piece to make sure i covoured the entire surface instead of waiting until the end and not being able to reach some places. I felt that my model making skills have stayed the same becaise i havnt really done anything out of the ordinary and nothing too complicated... I believe throught this project i managed my time very well! I got all my sheets in on time and they were all finished, i think because i kept my time so well during this project i have managed to achieve maximum results. My overall thoughts on this project were that i enjoyed it! I loved the topic and the freedom to draw/paint/make whatever we wanted (animals obviously).